Invisalign® for adults in Dubai

Dr. Reevan Khedri provides Invisalign® services for adults in Dubai. Dr. Rezvan is committed to giving you the perfect smile. Call us today on number 04-3587788 to schedule your appointment.

Many adults never get an orthodontic treatment because they believe braces are only for teens. There are also adults who had braces during adolescence but didn't wear their retainers afterwards which resulted in shifted teeth. No matter the circumstance, adults no longer have to worry about wearing braces as an adult. Billed as "the clear alternative to braces", Invisalign® is clear, smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® takes a unique approach to straightening teeth. You will wear each set of custom-made aligners for one to two weeks as instructed, and then switch to the next set at home. You will need to visit our office for monitoring just once every six to eight weeks.

Why Invisalign® is perfect for adults?

1. First impression count, especially for adults. Whether you are meeting with clients, climbing the corporate ladder, or navigating the dating world, you might be uncomfortable with showing off a set of braces.
Invisalign® treatment is discreet. Most adults skip orthodontic treatments because they worry that metal braces are too noticeable with Invisalign® patients wear clear plastic aligners that are hardly noticeable. Adults can go about their lives as usual without feeling as though they're drawing extra attention to their teeth during orthodontic treatment. Most people don't even notice when someone is wearing Invisalign® aligners right in front of them.

2. Removable Invisalign® Aligners offer convenience Braces can be uncomfortable or even painful. The metal brackets and wires tend to poke and scratch at the sensitive tissues of tongue and cheeks. Adjustment can feel harsh. Because Invisalign aligners have smooth edges and rely on gentle shifting, they tend to be far more comfortable than traditional braces.

3. Invisalign Accommodates a busy schedule during any orthodontic treatment, it's normal to visit your dentist frequently. With Invisalign however, it doesn't require as many appointment as other treatments. This is because Invisalign is fabricated in a way that promotes comfort which means there is less need for non-routine (emergency) visits. As a bonus, checkup appointments go by fast since we only need to check on your progress.
If you are an adult with a busy schedule you will love how little you have to spend at dental appointments with Invisalign treatment.

4. Daily life is much easier with Invisalign® compare to traditional braces. Orthodontic treatment using braces requires a huge adjustment. We will place them on your teeth, adjust them when needed, and eventually remove them. If you have an emergency such as a loose bracket or popped wire, you must take time off work for a visit.
You cannot eat certain foods, and you must learn a whole new oral hygiene routine. Invisalign® put you in control. We will place attachments on your teeth, show you how to get the aligners in and out, and monitor your progress.
Beyond that, though it is up to you. Since Invisalign® aligners are removable, you can take them out to eat your favorite foods and brush and floss your teeth as normal. You will switch aligners at home, minimizing the number of appointments you need.


Frequently Asked questions about Invisalign® for adults

Invisalign® treatment begins with a 3-D digital model of your teeth. We will morph the model to show you what to expect at every stage of treatment, including the results. There is no guess work and no big reveal at the end. For this reason Invisalign® is an excellent choice for adults who like to plan things out.

Yes, Invisalign® is a great treatment option for adults who are looking to improve their smile. Your aligners are virtually invisible, so no one will realize you're wearing them.

Yes, many patients come to us explaining that, since having braces in past, their teeth have shifted.

Invisalign® is suitable for patients of all ages.  In fact, as you get older, it's even more important to take steps to maintain good oral health. Invisalign® can help by straightening your teeth and correcting your bite, which means a reduced risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and abnormal wear.

No, If you wear your aligners only at night, they won't work. Invisalign® is designed to be worn for at least 20 to 22 hours a day.